Featured Song



Merrill Collins: Cello & Piano Sanctuary (feat. Joseph Hebert)

Cello and Piano

featuring Merrill Collins and Joseph Hebert

This album is a best-seller at the Grace Cathedral gift shop, and plays frequently while visitors walk the famous labrynth. Featuring improvisations on beloved chants, hymns, and spirituals, it evokes great memories and mysteries in the souls of those who do the walking meditation.


In My Father's House

A new piano score is available for Merrill's song, In My Father's House, based on text from John 14:1-4, the last words that Jesus speaks in the bible.

Preview/purchase score ($4.95)


Pange Lingua

Celebrating the culmination of the Lenten season and the joy of Easter, we present our version of Pange Lingua, a cello and piano improvisation on the 6th century hymn Pange Lingua Gloriosi Proelium Certaminis by Venantius Fortunatus, celebrating the Passion of Jesus Christ. (Lyrics)

Featured Video: Amazing Grace

Our listeners and fans loved this video last year... here it is, back again because this song never gets old.

Listen to the whole Sanctuary album FREE


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